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    Our Mission | Designing Women's Travel Refined Fashion

    Sustainability | Original Made-to-Order Fashion

    Giving Back

    Giving Back

    Giving back to the community is something I am passionate about. Inspired by a need to make a difference, my cause of choice is Voice Found, a Canadian non-profit organization committed to the prevention of child sexual abuse and support of adult survivors.

    I am very aware of the devastating consequences of abuse with an estimated 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys with 95% never being reported.  This is an issue people are afraid to discuss and desperately requires ACTION!

    Looking at the statistics and consequences I realized there are many children and adult survivors unfairly carrying the burden of their abuse.  My desire is to encourage and support healing and growth while educating communities around the globe on prevention and raising awareness.

    I truly believe that children are our best investment, and with my commitment to Voice Found and it's founder Cynthia Bland, I look forward to expanding it's efforts in order to help both child and adult survivors live the life they deserve. 

    Every time you purchase one of our signature travel totes (pictured in the banner above) you are not only making a statement but donating to Voice Found. Together we can make a difference by creating awareness and showing survivors we're here and we care. Through courage, strength and support - let the world know that it is OK to release the burden, to live, to have fun and travel light!

    For more information or to get involved, visit Voice Found.

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