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    Enjoy a Less is More Holiday Season

    How to Prepare for the Holidays

    With so much to do it’s hard to hold on to Christmas cheer! But no matter how busy or rushed you get, by having the right attitude you can embody the spirit of this holiday season, and enjoy the days leading up to Christmas.

    Keep your plans simple. Don’t try to do more than is necessary. Focus on the important basics like good wine and music that’s easy to arrange and goes a long way. Remember that coming together with family and friends is what’s most important so no need to make the meal and décor any more complicated than need be. Besides your guests would much prefer seeing you energized than pooped. So plan an easy menu with a few charming but simple decorations because you too should have fun at your party!



    Make a holiday count-down list. To avoid the uncomfortable last minute rushing around, always make a detailed list of everything that needs to be done with set dates: including holiday cards, shopping and gift wrapping. By planning ahead and being organized you’ll be much less stressed and happy. Of course you can make changes and save your holiday list for next year too!



    Give gifts that show generosity of spirit. Remember there are many ways we can show love that doesn’t require money. Offer to drive, clean, cook, babysit or shovel the snow for someone who would appreciate it. Just giving your time and attention to listen carefully to what’s going on in a person’s life is a meaningful gift too. Remember the best gifts are the ones that deliver a message of love.

    So with the spirit of Christmas in your heart, plan this holiday season. Remember to add to the magic of this time of year in any way you can and you’ll have a memorable fun-filled holiday. Cheers!


    By: Mashi Amani

    Spiritual Life Coach & Workshop Leader

    Achasa Centre for Spiritual Growth





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